Flappy Dunk 1.4.1 (142)
Old APK Version
The old version of Flappy Dunk 1.4.1 (142) APK is available. It includes the bird-like object with Flappy wings. Instead of controlling this object through obstacles, one mission you need to do here is to get the Flappy winged basketball through the moving hoop. No, the obstacle referred here is not only the moving hoop.
File Information
- Version: 1.4.1 (142)
- Minimum Android version: Android 4.1 and up
- Last updated: December 25, 2017
- Developer: VOODOO
- File size: 32.6 MB
- Uploaded: December 13, 2017 at 3:44PM GMT+07
- MD5: 540aeb12f61fd40ecd28b4e7ab84a98f
- SHA1: 6e40253a06236b93d0b8c8765c1cc78437a6afc8
What's new in 1.4.1 (142) ?The x4 limit on swishes is now over, now you can reach unlimited combo scores.
Latest Version
updated: December 25, 2017
Older Versions
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