Gloud Games 4.1.3 (413200228)
Old APK Version
By Gloud Games
The old version of Gloud Games 4.1.3 (413200228) APK is available. At Google Play, Gloud gets 4.3 rating score. We are sure that it is not the highest rating but still high rating. The rating score shows that users love the app much and use it in playing their favorite game. Gloud provides an interesting user interface.
File Information
- Version: 4.1.3 (413200228)
- Minimum Android version: Android 4.1 and up
- Last updated: April 2, 2020
- Developer: Gloud Games
- File size: 46.9 MB
- Uploaded: February 29, 2020 at 10:32AM GMT+07
- MD5: c69bcbdc4e136fe70fee8d171b0a3ee8
- SHA1: c24b26c7f2c9749a35bc8eafe6b335f675aeae2e
What's new in 4.1.3 (413200228) ?- Improve SVIP Privileges:
- Unlimited play time
- Unique queue
- Dedicated Server
- Improve fastpass experience:
- The gamers who purchased Fastpass has Higher queue Level in Fastpassing queue now.
Latest Version
updated: January 23, 2021
Older Versions
updated: May 22, 2020
updated: April 10, 2020
updated: February 29, 2020
updated: January 23, 2020
updated: December 20, 2019
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