Telegram latest APK 11.5.3 (55111) is one of the newly popular social media platforms that have been used more often recently. It became a replacement as soon as people start to witness its capabilities within the simplicity. While focusing on its speed and security, this app is also known for its super-fast but simple features. Moreover, it is free of charge. The good news for social media users is that Telegram can be operated multi-platform. It means, users can use this app on all their devices such as smartphones, tablets, PC, all at the same time.
Telegram File Information
Last updated: December 9, 2024
Developer: Telegram Messenger LLP
Version: 11.5.3 (55111)
Requirement: Android 4.1 and up
File size: 38.1 MB
Uploaded: December 9, 2024 at 5:46PM GMT+07
MD5: 94c5d459f2c92b6598b4ed69917a56e9
SHA1: afb8ba97877b9cbeed7c1d07a974b5feb574f4ec
Available on Google Play: Install from Google Play
Telegram app review
Apart from its function to send messages and files of any type, this app also has a helpful function as well as the capability of creating a large scale group, up to 10.000 members. Besides, this app also has unique features. All those features proved to be useful to help users using social media, such as Telegram instead of any other apps.
Short username is a feature given to users once they have created a username. It is a method of linking us to the other user’s Telegram just by clicking a user name as a shortcut. By doing that, it is easier to contact someone through this app in a faster and better way even without knowing their phone number. It is like facebook messenger. The next is automatic answer. Users can auto answer which have the capabilities sending messages automatically. The best part is that Telegram has the private chats feature that can send an end-to-end encryption messages which can be read only by the sender and the recipient. The sum of this app’s pros and cons are as follows.
- It has cross platform function.
- There is ability to create auto answer and a larger scale group
- It is ads free and free of charge forever.
- The features mostly are an improvement of the other app’s feature; nothing new.
- It only supports Android 4.0 or later.
How to Use
Well, it is pretty easy to use Telegram for Android since it is almost the same as what the other chatting app does. To create groups, we can just tap the circular pencil icon shown in the chat list. From there, just tap “New group”. To use the private chat feature, you need to swipe screen to the right to open menu. Users can set the timer by simply tap the clock icon (on top bar), then set the desired time limit.
- Bug fixes.