Hangouts 33.0.303435107 (26266319)
Old APK Version
By Google, Inc.
The old version of Hangouts 33.0.303435107 (26266319) APK is available. One of the advantages of this app is you do not need a phone number to contact friends. All of contact comes from Google account which relies on email. Contacts are automatically saved through email and you can add more contacts directly.
File Information
- Version: 33.0.303435107 (26266319)
- Minimum Android version: Android 4.1 and up
- Last updated: July 10, 2020
- Developer: Google, Inc.
- File size: 19.8 MB
- Uploaded: May 19, 2020 at 11:20AM GMT+07
- MD5: 0229de0c23327f7923e06cf0287d3851
- SHA1: bd9259a73ad2515d8fe7ea55aeddc0923f54501e
What's new in 33.0.303435107 (26266319) ?- Bug fixes
- Android 8.0+ devices: Customized ring and chat message tones for individual classic Hangouts conversations and contacts will be removed. You can still customize general ring tones and messaging sounds for classic Hangouts by accessing Settings via the Menu section of the app.
Latest Version
updated: December 2, 2023
Older Versions
updated: December 2, 2023
updated: August 2, 2021
updated: July 12, 2021
updated: April 11, 2021
updated: December 13, 2020
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